On Friday December 13th the Africa Southeast Area Office held its Christmas luncheon and program. Mom lead the music and after the program of Christmas songs and narrative we had a wonderful buffet.
Some of the food. You'll notice I started at the desert side of the buffet line.
The Christmas luncheon was held at the Sunnyside Hotel which is only a couple of blocks from the Area Office.
Last Saturday Mom and I discovered the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens. If I had a stand up surfboard, I might try paddling across this lake. It's about 2 miles from our apartment.
There were at least 6 wedding parties in the gardens. The brides were beautiful and the dresses and suits over the top. The guy on the right is selling ice cream.
This was my favorite wedding party. Everyone brought their own Harley.
Clark Wardle will be very envious of this guy's bike.
While walking through the gardens this lady just started talking to mom and before mom knew what had happened, she took off her hat and yellow wrap. She wanted mom to have a picture in it.
So here's the picture. Obviously, with so many weddings going on there was a lot of happiness and love in the Botanical Gardens, but we've found the Africans are quick to smile and laugh where ever they are.
Mom feeding the giraffes at the Lion Park just outside of Johannesburg on Monday, December 16th. The giraffe's tongue is long and feels like sandpaper, if you want to know.
Want a kiss?
Mom couldn't stop laughing. The fellow in red shirt is Elder Gus Hoffman. He is the Area doctor. For 20 years he was the doctor at the BYU Health Clinic on campus.
Here's looking at you!
The park did have some very large white lions.
Mom and Sister Becky Hoffman. She is also a nurse and is serving here with her husband.