Friday, November 22, 2013

 Monday, November 18, 2013, I flew to Maputo, Mozambique. On both Monday and Tuesday, I met with some local attorneys to discuss property issues and then flew back to Johannesburg Wednesday morning. This photo taken from the plane just before landing. This is a pretty typical area of residences jammed in pretty tight around Maputo. There are very few paved roads. In the background is Maputo Bay.
 Typical street vendor.
 In the late 15th century Portuguese explorers began landing along this coast. Maputo is located in the southern end of Mozambique. There is a harbor here which was used by the Portuguese as a stopping off point for their trading ships, going to, and returning from Asia. Photograph is taken from my hotel.
 Carrying home some groceries.
 Very friendly, until they saw the camera.
 Near here the Church has property where a chapel will be built next year.  Mozambique is very poor. It wasn't until 1975 that independence was proclaimed after a very long war with Portugal. The country is just now recovering economically. Oil and gas fields have been discovered off the coast.
 A Father & Son activity.
 Looking for sand crabs for tonight's dinner.
 Or you can always catch some very small fish. Look closely at the net and you'll see a meal.

 If the fisherman drops a fish these little guys will get it.
 Colorful dresses, slacks and scarves on street near the hotel. The tree with the red flower is called a Flame here, but I've known them as Flamboyants.
One happy vendor! He's just made a sale to me. Its 5 girls. I had to buy it because it reminded me of 5 daughters at home.


  1. What an amazing experience you are having! And the apartment looks pretty good...

  2. Hard to imagine there are places in the world where people still live in primitive conditions--until you see it with your own eyes. Quite an adventure you're having!
