Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Last Saturday, Susan and I flew to Swaziland. It's a small country of about 1 million people. It is surrounded on 3 sides by South Africa and Mozambique in the north east. Initially a British protectorate, Swaziland is a Kingdom ruled over by King Mswati and a traditional tribal assembly.

 We stayed at Summerfield, a very nice lodge. This is photograph from the property.
 Swaziland has a lot of agriculture. We saw fields of corn and pineapple.
 This is the LDS Church in Manzini, Swaziland. We attended Sunday with about 100 other Saints.
 It's always fun meeting the missionaries. This is Elder Samuel Ekom from Chicago, Illinois. Jeff Clayton, the Area Legal Counsel, is on the left.
 Mom has way too much fun with the children.
 The Summerfield Lodge is loaded with peacocks. This fellow was showing off his colors.
 Part of the downtown Manzini market. Lots of stuff being sold.
 This is one happy fellow. He just sold me a stone hippo. The African people are very religious. Notice the hanging sign in front of the counter.
 These happy guys are selling all sorts of medicinal herbs. They asked if I was having any stomach problems because they had the perfect cure.  I assured them that I would have stomach problems if I took their cure. They thought it was all pretty funny.
 A Manzini seamstress in her little store.
 Just waiting for the next customer.
Everyone, men and women, carry things on their heads. Marge Clayton trying to carry a carton of apples back to the car. It's a lot more difficult than it looks.

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