Sunday, August 24, 2014

Last weekend Susan and I drove out to Sediba-Kwele a large camping lodge area in the North West Providence. The Young Single Adults of the Church were holding a weekend convention there. Susan and I were asked to speak at their Friday evening devotional.
That very tall pole you see in the center of the photograph is actually a lightening rod. Those thatch roof huts can burn pretty quickly if struck by lightening.

These three young ladies came all the way from Botswana for the weekend.

Picture of the dining area at the camp.  Notice the large giraffe head on the right. What do you think Buck, this might go well in your living room.

Mom visiting with some of the young men.

Picture of the Friday devotional meeting. Mom and I didn't speak until 10:30 p.m. Speaking that late was a first.  But everyone was very attentive and awake.

There were just over 300 Young Single Adults present.  Mom and I had a great time.

Saturday morning 6 buses were filled with young adults for a service project.

Heading to the service project.

On the way home we came upon this group of monkeys.  Can you see them in the trees.

Sadly, you can never be completely at ease in Africa. Mom and I feel very comfortable here but it's always good to be reminded of dangerous places. 

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