Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You drive outside of Johannesburg and you can still find traffic jams. The wildebeests (also known as gunus) always have the right of way.

Last week mom and I drove north to Sun City a resort that contains 6 hotels.

It's a little like Las Vegas.

Built in 1979 Sun City was situated in the native homeland of Bophuthatswana which had been granted independence in 1977 from South Africa. After 1994 all the native homelands were reincorporated into South Africa.

There's a great wave pool.

And a very long water slide.

Located near Sun City is the Pilanesberg Game Reserve.

I have decided that the warthog is the ugliest animal on the planet. This guy let me get very close to him. Normally, they run off before you can take their picture.

No two zebras are alike. This one on the right was more black than white

The Zulu word for zebra is Dube. Which also happens to be the last name of our Branch President.